LifeWorks Somatics - Somatic Education for Quality Living - The Feldenkrais Method
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Feldenkrais: An oasis of calm, providing rejuvenation, and refuge from the demands and stresses of modern living

written by Samantha, a Drama Student who has attended classes over about the past year and a half


"Feldenkrais with Nikhila never ceases to amaze me. Not only do I thoroughly enjoy

the opportunity to relax and to reconnect with myself through deeper sensory, body awareness but other benefits of the work have been unmistakably enlivening and

health giving.


Through Feldenkrais I have discovered ways of moving and being that I had never

thought to imagine. I have developed a deeper relationship with myself and the work

has particularly brought into focus habits of mind and supported me with

emotional release.


When I began attending Feldenkrais classes, approximately a year ago, I had been diagnosed with chronic back pain. I had regularly visited chiropractors, physiotherapists , osteopaths with only temporary benefit and I felt frustrated at being unable to

‘fix myself’ through yoga or similar forms of exercise which often led to further

pain, strain or injury. Within the first series of ‘Awareness Through Movement’ sessions

with Nikhila, I was able to sleep better without waking in the night through discomfort.

Lying down, standing, sitting and walking had already become more comfortable.

Through greater ease and organic choice of movement I have now found that although

I am still careful to attend to the needs of my back and hips, I experience the joys of

freedom on a daily basis rather than pain. The pleasure and satisfaction this has

brought to my life has been invaluable. I can now choose to exercise and partake in

other activities without ‘suffering for it’ afterwards or becoming tired or unable to

continue through pain and over exertion.


I recently trapped a nerve in my shoulder and could not shift it for a week.

One hour of ‘Awareness Through Movement ‘and I awoke the next day, surprised

again to find that I was free of the restrictions I had been experiencing, and

able to get on with my day without discomfort.


I cannot recommend Feldenkrais highly enough. It is a relaxing and mindful experience

that cannot fail to bring benefit in a multitude of ways to those that choose to participate.

Thank you, Nikhila for attentively supporting me on this journey."



Gaunts tree


Manali couple





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©2008 LifeWorks Somatics, S. Devon, UK. The terms Feldenkrais, Feldenkrais Method, Awareness Through Movement,
and Functional Integration are registered service marks of the Feldenkrais Guild UK