FREE Audio ATM lessons to try out
Make your space so that you can lay on your back to start with - but have handy a folded towel or two to use as a head rest when on your side.
The Golden Keys of any Awareness Through Movement lesson are:
- Move with a minimum of effort
- Pay Attention to your sensory experience
- Seek smooth, light and easy movement
- Rest as often as you need to to remain as comfortable as you can.
- and above all Don't do Anything that Hurts (its simply not productive here)
Usually lessons begin with a few moments of laying on your back, so you should do this before you start - it is called a Scan, and is included most clearly in the Breathing lesson below. But it goes like this:
Laying on your back, preferably flat if comfortable (otherwise have your legs bent, feet standing), and scan your contact with the floor. Notice how your feet lie, which direction each points, Notice the length of each leg, Notice how your pelvis lies, your back lies, especially any spaces between them and the floor, the shoulders, arms, hands, head and neck. And the rhythm and flow of your breathing. All without doing anything to change or improve what you discover, just observing, sensing.
And at the end of your lesson, have a walk about and see if you feel any differences in your movement or way that you feel.
Please note: these lessons are just samples, short recordings of live teachings and as such are not necessarily complete.
I provide audio recordings only as is traditional in The Feldenkrais Method.
"I don't demonstrate because it is important that a person understands, feels, does, judges, compares - and is their own judge and their own master. You are not going to learn from me - you are going to learn from yourself and I provide those conditions" Dr Moshe Feldenkrais, Amherst, 9 June 1980.
Transitions Matter + Engaging Curiosity
length 21 mins
Position is laying on back and on side
I recorded this lesson for Feldenkrais Awareness Week 2023 where the theme was 'Curiosity'. I wrote an article to accompany this lesson
Engaging Curiosity which is published on the Guild website:
Balance & Uprightness - Eyes & Pelvis
length 15 mins
Position is sitting on a chair
Taught at our Feldenkrais Guild UK AGM in 2024, the sound quality is as it was in a very large room - but you might enjoy the exploration anyway.
Breathing to Balance & Relax the Nervous System
Length 25 mins
Position is laying on back
Lifting head on back w sternum, eye & elbow.knee variations
Length 28 mins.
Position is laying on back
Begin with a few minutes laying on your back, preferably laying flat, and scan your contact with the floor. Notice how your feet lie, which direction each points, Notice the length of each leg, Notice how your pelvis lies, your back lies, especially any spaces between them and the floor, the shoulders, arms, hands, head and neck. And the rhythm and flow of your breathing. All without doing anything to change or improve what you discover, just observing, sensing.
At the end have a walk about and see if you feel any differences in your movement or way that you feel.
On the side, Happier Shoulders & Hips
Length 12 minutes
Ultra-short and simple,, this lesson is done in sidelying position. The recording is for one side.
To do the second side, repeat the recording and reverse the right/left directions. Then it is 24 mins.
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