LifeWorks Somatics - Somatic Education for Quality Living - The Feldenkrais Method
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picture of Moshe's handwriting saying 'Movement is Life, without movement life is unthinkable'

Maybe you will find the help you need through me. Click on any of the above to find out more, or have a look to the right of this page for what I am currently offering.


I offer The Feldenkrais Method in 2 formats -

'Awareness Through Movement' for groups, a verbally guided movement lesson


'Functional Integration' a hands-on lesson for individuals


I also offer 1-1 Feldenkrais Online and Somatic Counselling sessions either in person or online


Examples: an 'Awareness Through Movement' lesson:> this video is from 2006


Taste of a 1-1 'Functional Integration' lesson (2016):





Free Resources


  • go to for short free lessons - the ones by Nikhila are in years 2010, 2011, 2019, 2020 & 2023. These ATMs are produced each year for National Feldenkrais Awareness Week 6-13 May and.
  • Listen to the founder of the Feldenkrais Method' - Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais - explain why we do 1-1 Functional Integration, and what's different with and why we do the groupwork, Awareness Through Movement:>



"My back needed loosening and straightening so I went for a few Functional Integration lessons with Nikhila. The day after my last session I had to alter the mirror in my car to move it upwards to my new height. Yesterday, I had to go to the dentist - I found it such a better experience as I could sit in the chair comfortably. My head no longer feels as if it is coming off when I have to lie flat. I can also now lie on the floor without any books and am delighted. Thank you so much for your help. It is hard to describe to anyone else how Feldenkrais works as the movements in the session feel so small compared to the results., JC".


"After weeks of stiff neck and shoulder pain I decided to try a 1 - 1 session by Zoom with Nikhila. I used to think the effect of 1 - 1 was all in Nikhila's hands which of course is partly true but I realise now that’s not the full story, it’s in something beyond the hands. My neck has released and the shoulder pain almost completely gone. As Nikhila guided me in tiny movements which were targeting the deeper layers of my problem I experienced not only the stiff joints and muscles relaxing but also the underlying emotional tensions releasing that had caused the problem in the first place. She guided me to work on how I was holding jaw, breath, even my tongue stiff as well as working directly on spine and neck/shoulders. I'm so grateful that it’s possible to continue sessions with Nikhila 1 - 1 in this period by Zoom as the world situation seems to amplify body tension so being able to have my own personal mind-body patterns disentangled week by week now is a more precious gift than ever!" E.F.


"I am finding the work deeply interesting on all levels - physical, emotional and mental. And, very relaxing. I experience Feldenkrais as a way of 'moving beyond', of 'unlimiting the limited self' - Exploring my mind body connections at the gentle pace of weekly classes I find that the lessons continue a path of mindfulness that I trust.  My nervous system has learned to relax and let me take risks.  The ground becomes safe. " Sarah C

more testimonials>


Your Privacy Matters

All personal information supplied on enquiring or booking with Lifeworks Somatics is held securely and is never shared with any third party without explicit consent. All personal records are held in a secure format.

By emailing us you can have your personal information corrected or removed from our records.

When you come for a private 1-1 lesson, in line with standard professional practise, everything discussed is kept strictly confidential

This website links to other sites - we aim to link only to sites that will respect your privacy.

Your use of this site indicates acceptance of this privacy policy.




Nikhila with a visitor

What I'm Offering...
areas of South Devon UK
- and Online-


Weekly ATM classes -
Booking now: Autumn series 3 &4 October for 8 weeks til end November

Thursdays 10.00-11.00

In Person - Dartington


Fridays 9.00 -10.00 am


Open for Drop In

more info & booking>



Individual Feldenkrais

Functional Integration &
Somatic counselling

Face-to-Face or Online

Tuesdays, Wednesdays &Thursdays

with a free 10-15 min phone

consultation prior if your're new






'Lets Talk Barefoot' on

Thurs 19 September


more info & booking>









See our Facebook page:


Customer testimonials
more testimonials >






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©2008 LifeWorks Somatics, S. Devon, UK. The terms Feldenkrais, Feldenkrais Method, Awareness Through Movement,
and Functional Integration are registered service marks of the Feldenkrais Guild UK